“The aim of art is to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.”
– Aristotle
Every year, The Guidance Center hosts a private Client Art Exhibit for our clients and their family members as a way to showcase our client’s artistic abilities and empower them with a voice through art.
“Be Your Own Superhero” was the theme of this year’s Client Art Exhibit. Clients in preschool through 12th grade were invited to submit artwork in three subcategories: Self-Portrait, My Super Power, and How I Can Change the World.
The incredible original artwork submitted by clients impressed us – as always – but it was the stories behind the artwork that truly inspired us. So many of our clients fight villains daily, like stigma, symptoms of trauma or mental illnesses, or tremendous life challenges.
We talked to “Mr. D,” a 10th grader in our School Based Program, about his artwork. We’re honored to share his responses with you.

Artwork by “Mr. D” 10th Grade, School Based Program
Can you tell us why you drew what you did?
Mr. D: “For a reference point [for myself]. My drawing reminds me that the decisions I’m making keep me straight. I’m proud of the decisions I’ve been making. They remind me I’m strong and sane.”
How therapy has helped?
Mr. D: “Therapy can help people who on the outside look normal, but be 100% different on the inside. Some people are hurting on the inside. Therapy has been a huge help with my anger management.”
Partner with us to help more children like Mr. D realize their own superpowers and create a positive and productive future for themselves. Become a Sunset Sip 2018 sponsor: BIT.LY/SUNSETSIP2018