In this digital age, screens have become an integral part of our lives, providing us with endless information and entertainment. However, excessive screen time can have unforeseen consequences on a child’s mental health. During these summer months, it’s vital to...
Looking for fun ways to keep your children mentally stimulated this summer? Head over to our TeachersPayTeachers page to find useful educational resources created by our Justice, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee! Connection Bingo Children can work on...
PRIDE Month is here! Throughout June, people around the world unite to honor and amplify the voices of the LGBTQ+ community. Pride Month is not merely a celebration; it holds deep historical significance. It traces its roots back to the Stonewall Riots of 1969 when...
We are thrilled to announce Angelina Palma-Williams, LCSW, as our new Chief Clinical Officer! With her impressive background, unwavering dedication, and passion for driving diversity and inclusion, we are so excited for her to join the executive team. Angelina’s...
The theme for Sunset Sip 2023 is Ignite Your Light! In a physical sense, light helps guide us and interpret the world around us. Street lights guide us on our journeys, illuminating a safe route. A porch light may guide a child back to their home. Symbolically, light...
In light of recent events, we are re-sharing our blog from last year that offers guidance on how to talk with children about school violence. Each time there’s a mass shooting we find ourselves having trouble finding the words to explain to our children, yet...