When The Guidance Center was founded in 1946, it was led by a small, handful of volunteers – local school teachers and counselors. Today, The Guidance Center is a major community mental health provider that employs more than 170 mental health professionals, support...
A global pandemic, grief and loss, a divided nation, and ongoing racial injustices have been major contributors to a nationwide mental health crises in the last couple of years. Many of us had to work remotely, and as a consequence we were given the gift of time and...
Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month February is Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month and as we embark on another year of the pandemic it may be another trying time for teens as they seek new relationships and maintain old ones. Since the pandemic began in early 2020,...
In celebration of Black History Month, we asked our Guidance Center staff to reflect on the work of the Black Authors, writers, & philosophers who have left a lasting impact on them. The powerful books they selected below touch on everything from the legacy of the...
As we grapple with a surge of COVID-19 cases in our third calendar year enveloped in the pandemic, you may find yourself feeling especially uneasy, drained, unmotivated, tense, exhausted, sad, or a host of other difficult emotional experiences right now. As the saying...
It’s hard to believe that we are approaching the two-year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, and with it, a very different way of living and functioning. The pandemic hit right after the 2019 holiday season, so it wasn’t until 2020 that we got to experience just how...