On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men.*It’s not something that is easy – or even feels safe – to talk about, but when we...
On May 25th, our San Pedro Clinic hosted their very first Client Art Exhibit, themed “Garden of Dreams”, in honor of Mental Health Awareness Month. Children and their families, along with staff and board members, attended the exhibit to view all of the...
Statistics provided by the National Institute of Mental Health. www.nimh.nih.govIn honor of Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week and Mental Health Awareness Month, we held our 5th Annual Client Art Exhibit at our Long Beach Clinic last Monday, May 2. Children...
Darren is a six year-old boy who was referred to The Guidance Center for school-based mental health services due to a lack of school attendance. He suffered from extremely high levels of stress as a result of being separated from his parents. Darren would...
The Guidance Center’s Long Beach outpatient program is strengthening its existing partnerships by expanding trainings provided to Young Horizons and Head Start programs.The workshops focus on the needs of children ages 0-5 and are offered to Head Start and Young...
I did it! I completed all 31 miles of my first‐ever 50K in 9 hours and 50 minutes. My secret goal was to finish under 10, so I’m very happy I accomplished that. The day before the race I had a lot of anxiety about whether or not I was going to be able to finish and if...