Be the Hero of Your Own Story Pt. 2 - feature image (1)

Be the hero of your own story. Unleash your superpowers. That’s what Sunset Sip 2018 is all about. But, how do superheroes and superpowers connect to our mission at The Guidance Center?

Last week, San Pedro Clinical Therapist and Supervisor, Steven Frausto, LCSW, provided insight into our theme from a staff perspective. This week, we enlisted the help of Luis Maimoni, LMFT to help answer that question from a perspective of a Board Member who deeply understands our mission and a clinical therapist himself.

By day, Luis is a bilingual (Spanish/English) therapist in the outpatient department of a community mental health agency in Gardena, CA. His clients are children with problems at school, at home, with friends, or in the community. He collaborates with these children and their families to find and treat the root cause. As a member of the Board of Directors of The Guidance Center, he is able to directly support the effort to erase the stigma associated with mental health, and advocate for clients and providers. Prior to working in mental health, Luis’s career focused on sales and marketing.


Hi. My name is Luis Maimoni, LMFT. I’m a member of the Board here at The Guidance Center, and I’d like to talk to you about superheroes and superpowers.

All of us have a superpower. We just don’t always know what it is. Superheroes it’s easy to see. Some of them can fly. Some of them bullets bounce off of them. But even with all those superpowers, there’s always a secret. They’re never able to solve the real problem that’s creating the problem, right? The root cause. That’s why we need a real superpower.

Why is it that the X-Men can’t get along? Why is it that every comic book superhero is flawed? It’s an interesting question, and it’s probably because of the families they grew up in. Each family is unique. And so what we need is a superpower that can address families and bring about change in families, positive change – help them communicate better, manage jealousy, manage anxiety and depression.

What about the kid that just can’t seem to get along with his friends? Or, can’t do his work in school? How about a superpower that could fix that? Well it turns out you may not have known your superpower until now, but that is your superpower.

You have the ability to make those changes in families right here in Long Beach, Compton, San Pedro, and Catalina Island. The Guidance Center serves all those communities and if you can participate in the Sunset Sip, which is a wonderful activity, you will find your superpower helping families change for the better.

We look forward to your support. Thank you so much.

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