Continuing Education
Upcoming Trainings
There are no upcoming trainings at this time.
While The Guidance Center goes to great lengths to assure fair treatment for all participants and attempts to anticipate problems, there will be occasional issues that come to the attention of the training staff that require intervention or action on the part of the Director of Training.
These are the following procedures if a participant has a grievance:
- If the grievance concerns a speaker, the content presented by the speaker, or the style of presentation, please write your comments on the evaluation form. The Director of Training will then pass on the comments to the speaker, assuring the confidentiality of the grieved individual.
- If the grievance concerns a course offering, its content, or the facilities in which the workshop was offered, the Director of Training will: a. Provide credit for another course OR b. Provide a partial or full refund of the course fee
Please contact Amy Bullock Morse, PsyD, ABPP, Director of Training and Innovation, at or (562)519-4934 regarding any grievances.

Client Welfare, Therapist Responsibility: Legal and Ethical Considerations
Friday, February 7, 2019 8:30AM-4PM
Presented by: Pamela Harmell, Ph.D.
The Guidance Center, 2nd Floor Training Room
1301 Pine Avenue, Long Beach, CA 90813
Cost: $120.00
TGC Staff, trainees and Interns: Free
This workshop addresses therapist responsibility to ensuring patient welfare in all aspects of practice. Participants will learn to deal with ethical dilemmas such as (1) when therapist values conflict with patient values (highlighting two precedent-setting legal cases), (2) working with minors and cultural competence, (3) suicide assessment, prevention, opioid use, (4) current ethical standard of care in the world of technology, reputation protection, Skype, texting, social media and HIPAA compliance, (5) Tarasoff and its progeny, (6) clinical supervision and multiclient situations. Literature updates, along with relevant Codes of Ethics and current expert opinion will be included in all areas of discussion. This program overviews the current research findings and knowledge that inform the practice of ethical and legal practice.
Who should attend:
Licensed psychologists, marriage and family therapists, and clinical social workers who want to expand their knowledge and competency in ethical and legal practice as they relate to mental health professionals. Unlicensed mental health professionals and trainees are also welcome to attend though program content will be at the postdoctoral/post-licensure level.
About the Presenter
Dr. Pamela Harmell is a national lecturer specializing in legal and ethical issues in clinical practice. She is a Professor at the Pepperdine University Graduate School of Education and Psychology and has written extensively in professional publications on ethical practice and has formally studied law. She is the Past President of the Board of Psychology. Dr. Harmell is former Chair of the California State Ethics Committee, is the current Chair of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association Ethics Committee. She served on the Board of Directors of the California Psychological Association and is Past President of the Los Angeles County Psychological Association.
Provider Approval
The Guidance Center is approved by the American Psychological Association (APA) to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. The Guidance Center maintains responsibility for this program and its content. The California Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) accepts programs offered by approved APA sponsors of continuing education for licensed marriage and family therapists and licensed clinical social workers.
Conflict of Interest
There is no commercial support for this CE program or instructor. There are no known conflicts of interest.
Program Contact
For additional questions regarding this training, please contact the program administrator, Kendra Bailey, Ph.D. at