In My Backyard
In My Backyard
Episode #8 - What Does It Mean To Be Trauma-Informed?

In this episode, Patricia had the great pleasure of speaking with Nathan Swaringen, a Guidance Center clinician from It’s About T.I.M.E., a Trauma Informed Movement in Education. It’s About T.I.M.E. is a program based on Dr. Bruce Perry’s research into how trauma impacts the brain of the developing child. The program uses this research to provide educators the tools to create trauma informed cultures on primary school campuses.

Nathan is a licensed clinical social worker. He began his career at The Guidance Center fifteen years ago, as a therapist in its school-based program. After years of seeing first hand how trauma-based behavior is misunderstood as “a bad child” Nathan sought out training from Dr. Perry on how to create trauma-informed schools. The It’s about TIME program was formed.

In My Backyard is brought to you by The Guidance Center, a children’s mental health agency in Long Beach, CA. In My Backyard is produced by Tricia Costales and Matthew Murray.  Thank you to Jay Vincent B for original music. All other music licensed through SoundStripe. Thank you to our listeners and supporters.

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