In My Backyard
In My Backyard
SEASON 2: EPISODE #13: The Truth of Human Trafficking PART 1

Today’s podcast discusses human trafficking, which includes an open conversation of sexual abuse and exploitation. This might be painful and triggering for some listeners. Please consider carefully before tuning in.

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The US Department of Homeland Security defines human trafficking as “the use of force, fraud or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Every year, millions of men, women and children are trafficked worldwide – including in the United States. According to the International Labour Organization, “human trafficking is the fastest growing criminal enterprise of the 21st century, creating a $150 billion global industry that is second only to drugs in terms of organized crime”. This is not a crime that happens only in other countries. It occurs across the Unites States, nationwide in our cities, suburbs and rural towns.

In this episode, Patricia speaks with several members of the Long Beach Human Trafficking Task Force. She is joined by Teresa Gomez, Human Dignity Program Coordinator with the Long Beach Health and Human Services Department. We also have Mariah Sewe and Mary White, both from Gems Uncovered, a nonprofit offering street outreach and after-care services to victims of human trafficking. She is also joined by Francesca Douglass-Franco from Humansave, a nonprofit that offers prevention, life skills training and mental health treatment to trafficking survivors.

In My Backyard is brought to you by The Guidance Center, a children’s mental health agency in Long Beach, CA. In My Backyard is produced by Tricia Costales and Matthew Murray. Thank you to Jay Vincent B for original music. All other music licensed through SoundStripe. Thank you to our listeners and supporters.

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