In our most recent episode, we spoke about children and families experiencing homelessness: how a family might become homeless and what they are likely to experience in a shelter. In this podcast, we look at this problem from a different lens, coming to understand the vital importance of early educational experiences for these and other vulnerable young children.
Drs. McCoy and Yoshikawa from Harvard University researched the role of early childhood education in supporting positive outcomes in later life. They found that “classroom-based early childhood education programs for children under the age of five can lead to significant and substantial decreases in special education placement and grade retention and increases in high school graduation rates.”
In today’s episode Patricia speaks with Pamela Austin, MSW and Executive Director of Children Today. Children Today is a non-profit organization that provides trauma-informed child development and preschool services to children aged birth to 6 years of age and their families. The children and families they serve are experiencing homelessness and/or maltreatment, such as child abuse with an open case with the Department of Children and Family Services.
In My Backyard is brought to you by The Guidance Center, a children’s mental health agency in Long Beach, CA. In My Backyard is produced by Tricia Costales and Matthew Murray. Thank you to Jay Vincent B for original music. All other music licensed through SoundStripe. Thank you to our listeners and supporters.
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