In My Backyard
In My Backyard
Season 2 Episode #23: STORIES: The Experience of Being Gender Non-Binary

According to The National Center for Transgender Equality, “most people – including most transgender people – (identify as) either male or female.  Although, some people have a gender that blends elements of being a man or a woman, or a gender that is different from either male or female. Today’s podcast is another installment of STORIES, conversations with people with lived experience sharing their personal journeys. In this episode, we will be speaking with Mickey Prince, a Guidance Center clinician who also happens to be gender non-binary.

In My Backyard is brought to you by The Guidance Center, a children’s mental health agency in Long Beach, CA. In My Backyard is produced by Tricia Costales and Matthew Murray. Thank you to Jay Vincent B for original music. All other music licensed through SoundStripe. Thank you to our listeners and supporters.

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