In My Backyard Episode #11 - Mental Health and LGBTQ+ Children Play Episode Pause Episode Mute/Unmute Episode Rewind 10 Seconds 1x Fast Forward 10 seconds 00:00 / 00:47:18 Subscribe Share Apple Podcasts Google Podcasts PocketCasts Spotify TuneIn RSS Feed Share Link...
“I looked up at the trees and asked for their wisdom. I observed their willowing branches and crisp brown leaves, dead with only a shimmer of light running through their veins. Its branches holding on to life with the few lively leaves it managed to hold on to....
In the midst of our busy everyday lives, work, parenting, school, chores and so many other responsibilities can sometimes be overwhelming. When you add being in the middle of a pandemic, it is hard to remember to take time for ourselves.Practicing self-care is...
Research shows that connectedness is the most important shield AND antidote to traumatic experiences. Dr. Bruce Perry and Dr. Gabor Mate suggest, respectively: “Disconnection is at the heart of trauma.”, and “Children don’t get traumatized because they’re in...
In the five minutes that it takes you to read this blog, it is likely that there will be roughly two deaths by suicide and eleven suicide attempts (American Academy of Suicidology 2019 Data). Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the United States and...